Brie Rosales, Master Aesthetician

Brie Rosales joined the Blue Haven team in 2022. She has a background in makeup artistry that evolved into a passion for all things beauty–starting with the skin. After studying holistic skincare practices at the European Institute, she continued her education to become a Master Aesthetician at the Washington Laser Institute where her love of medical aesthetics grew. After specializing for many years in laser hair removal, custom facials, chemical peels, and more, she joined Blue Haven Medical Spa to share her expertise and to grow her practice into new areas, such as body sculpting, microneedling, radiofrequency microneedling, and advanced skincare.

In her free time, she enjoys spoiling her Goldendoodle, cooking new recipes, and playing golf. Brie always looks forward to welcoming new clients and can’t wait to work together to customize the perfect skincare routine.

Schedule an Appointment

Call us at (206) 402-3625 or fill out our request form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to treating you.